A well-trained team works the rig with confidence and ingenuity, addressing issues promptly as they arise and averting disasters with proactive resolve. To achieve this, proper well control training is paramount.
Cudd Well Control offers a comprehensive line of unique training courses and opportunities, at your site or
ours to help you build a successful drilling team. From on-land well kills to deepwater kick drills, our
advanced well control school delivers the best custom-built well control training program in the industry.
Choose from the following topics and call us to customize a course:
- • Handling Kicks with Lost Returns
- • Relief Well Drilling
- • Snubbing Operations
- • Kicks while Fishing
- • Dynamic Kills
- • High-rate Diverting Operations
- • Well Control Systems Design
- • Deepwater Well Control
- • Gas Plume Modeling
- • Momentum Kills
- • Hot Tap and Gate Valve Drilling
- • Blowout Debris Removal
- • Capping Operations
- • Freeze Operations
In addition to our line of specialized training, we offer customers a direct line to Well Control School—the premier IADC and IWCF-accredited well control training institution in the industry. With access to System 21 online well control training and more than four decades of instructional experience, Well Control School delivers field-proven, quality curriculum in a format that’s right for your personnel—online or in person.