Freeze Operations

Freeze Operations


Freeze technology is a valuable service to generate a temporary barrier allowing repairs, valve replacement, well head replacement, and pipe work on equipment. If a constant supply of nitrogen is available, the freeze can be held until the job is complete. This allows sufficient time to perform the work safely in a pressured or potentially pressured system by creating a frozen “plug.”

Freeze technology can be performed on a wide range of pipe sizes up to approximately 48 in. This technology can also freeze through multiple strings of pipe. This is effective through 5 annuli when the casing can be assessed. The freeze technology can translate to valves, BOPs, production trees and pipelines as well. The technology uses either N2 or CO2 as the chilling agent to achieve sufficiently low temperatures to generate the plug. The equipment requirements vary as to the type equipment or pipe being chilled for the plug.

Cost efficiency and time saver
Reduces fluid costs / Requirements / Time utilizing fluids
Versatile Uses
Pipe sizes up to 48 in.
Production trees
Versatile and light-weight equipment
Extended time, if needed

Three major types of equipment are used:

Canister Freeze

Canister Freeze – for pipe or casing annuli

Coil Freeze

Coil Freeze – for irregular shapes such as a BOP component

Dry Ice

Dry Ice – for production trees and extended time services

Other equipment includes the temperature monitoring systems, which are specially designed for this work, thermal protective equipment, and possibly thermal wraps / thermal blankets.

Freeze Applications

Freeze Applications

For more than 20 years, our cryogenic and dry ice freeze operations have provided access to critical equipment, onshore and offshore, so that crews can perform maintenance or repairs while the wellbore remains pressurized. Over the years, we have perfected the technique to increase the power of the temporary ice plug, creating a highly functional field tool so that your team keeps cool under pressure.

Staging our unique approach to freeze operations allows for the removal and replacement of faulty equipment with the peace of mind that the plug will hold for the length of time required to properly perform repairs on BOPS, valves, production trees, and other non-cylindrical items.

We also perform cryogenic freeze operations on tubulars of all sizes, successfully plugging through multiple casing and cement layers for a faster freeze that holds longer.


Proper PPE is required for the extreme temperature as well as minor safety training. Only essential personnel are allowed within the designated working area. Planning is required with the operator, third parties, and CUDD Well Control personnel.