Well Capping

Well Capping Process

Well Capping

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worker auditing equipment Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum feugiat cursus efficitur. Etiam vehicula odio et pulvinar eleifend. Mauris sit amet elit tempus, mattis augue a, pharetra felis. Quisque tristique risus vel laoreet vehicula. Aenean auctor eu ipsum at gravida. Integer mollis eros ac efficitur ultrices. Pellentesque luctus magna et erat consequat consequat et quis nisl. Nam et lorem a velit gravida posuere vitae at felis. Sed convallis hendrerit facilisis. Pellentesque a erat leo. Donec ultrices ipsum et erat pellentesque, in mattis urna malesuada. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis tincidunt augue nunc, eu ullamcorper eros tristique ac.

A single solution platform

tablet view of multiple wells See the well condition immediately on one platform instead of having to go to multiple sources. Based on API standards, all findings are uploaded and shown on your CuddAssured Audit dashboard that’s accessible 24/7.

Do in less than an hour what used to take a few days

worker auditing equipment

Instead of having to rely on spreadsheets, which are time-consuming and can easily lead to errors, the CuddAssured Audit tool is a streamlined system that allows you to inspect the well and quickly receive the full audit report in the field. With its automated, immediate reporting, the tool allows our team to complete more audits in a day and customers can have that information at their fingertips immediately.

Know what wells to fix first.

risk matrix sorting

Choose which wells you want to look into first. Problem wells go to the top of the risk matrix so you can prioritize the wells that need remediation work and get the budget for them.

Features and benefits that drive greater productivity

  • Private and Secure Portal

    Add and delete employees as required.
  • CuddAssured Audit Dashboard

    Pull up every well inspected and see the audit report and status.
  • Map View with Wells Identified and Color Coded

    Green – All is well/Yellow – Caution/Red – Needs immediate attention.
  • Avoid Problems Before They Can Happen

    Identify trends regarding problems and mitigate incidents based on the inspection.
  • Keep Everyone Up to Date at All Times

    When the report is completed, an email is sent to the customer with a link to the portal.
  • Flexible Solution

    Flexible to meet customer needs based on their data/well count and operational requirements.
  • Affordable

    Cost of wellhead audit includes full access to the platform and its results. No additional subscription costs.

Discover the revolutionary advantages of the Wellhead Audit platform by watching our video here.

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